BCF Grant Application Course

Improve your grant writing skills and take your academic career to the next level
The grant application landscape is getting increasingly competitive, therefore its all the more important to start working early on your grant writing skills. A good place to do so would be the BCF Grant Application Course on 17-18 January 2019 in Amsterdam.

During this course you will learn how to:
– Find the most fitting funding opportunity
– Pick a suitable grant topic
– Write an appealing grant summary and receive feedback on your summary
– Structure your grant and write an appealing personal statement
– Prepare for your grant interview

During this course you will have the opportunity to learn from seasoned academic scientists with impressive grant track records, grant application experts who have reviewed and submitted hundreds of grants, assessors from funding bodies and many more.
This course could be financed from your personal budget because universities value the development of their employees.

Registration deadline: 19 December 2018 (NB. only limited spots available)

Costs: €895 (excl. VAT).

For more information: see website

Thursday, January 17, 2019 through January 18
08:45 - 17:45 daily
WCW Congress Centre
Science Park 123, Amsterdam