Seminar B-wise – Rachel Cavill and Mehmet Akdel

In Wageningen, a large number of researchers routinely apply state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools or develop novel algorithms to analyze their data. Through B-Wise, the Bioinformatics@Wageningen Seminar Series, we aim to bring people together on a regular basis to exchange ideas, discuss problems, present our research and learn from each other.

Each first Tuesday of the month we meet over lunch (starting at 12.00), followed by two short scientific presentations on bioinformatics research in various groups. If you would like to participate in the free lunch, please send an e-mail to at the latest two days in advance.

Speaker: Rachel Cavill (Maastricht University, Data Science)
Subject: Combine and Transfer: Two new approaches for data integration with omics data.

Speaker: Mehmet Akdel (Wageningen University and Research, Bioinformatics)
Subject: Assembling genome maps from optical signals.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018
12:30 - 13:30
WUR – Forum building
Droevendaalsesteeg 2, Wageningen