Workshop ’Breeding for sustainability: Perspectives from a company and academic plant breeder’

Speakers: Dr. Wilfred Vermerris (University of Florida) and Dr. Tim van der Weijde (Barenbrug Holland B.V.)

While yield per se continues to be an important trait, plant breeding programs in the 21st century also need to focus on sustainable production. In practical terms, this translates to the need to maximize resource use efficiency (water, nutrients) and to limit the application of fungicides and pesticides. Two plant breeders will share their strategies and experience with the incorporation of sustainability traits in breeding programs focused on bioenergy and forage & turf grasses. In addition, they will describe the management and organization of their breeding programs, highlighting differences between academic and commercial operations.

Preliminary Program:

9:00 Welcome and introductions (including of participants)

9:15 Sustainable agriculture and the role of plant breeding

9:45 Coffee/tea break

10:00 Wilfred Vermerris: Next-generation bioenergy sorghums for the sustainable productions of fuels and chemicals

11:00 Tim van der Weijde: Breeding forage and turf grasses for a green future

12:00 Lunch at Grand Café in the Forum Building

13:30 Tim van der Weijde: Organization and management of the grass breeding program at Barenbrug

14:30 Wilfred Vermerris: Organization and management of an academic plant breeding program in the USA

15:30 Coffee/tea break

15:45 Question and answer session with the speakers; differences and similarities between commercial and academic breeding programs; professional tips and advice; group discussion on sustainability traits.

16:30 “Drinks and bites”; informal gathering

Please send an e-mail to Heleen Schoenmaker and let her know 1) if you need a guest badge to enter the Radix building and 2) if you have any dietary requirements for the catering.
Deadline: 11 November 2018, please see registration information below.

Fee: Workshop including catering is free for people who registered, no-show fee is €50.

Meeting room 10 (M0.052)

Organizer: Luisa Trindade

Tuesday, November 20, 2018
09:00 - 17:30
Droevendaalsesteeg 1, Wageningen