The first edition of the meet-up for 2nd year EPS PhD candidates in November was experienced as a good event to get to know other PhD candidates better and to exchange experiences and tips on for instance wellbeing, motivation, and how to keep track of your progress.

During the workshop Failure Fitness the participants took a look at their associations with failing and making mistakes and reflected on why it might be good to share your own mistakes and failures with others. The PhD candidates were also reminded that trying and failing is a normal part of a learning or scientific process. They were then asked to examine their own, so-called “inner critical voices” and also to check whether they had any ringing alarm bells that might indicate perfection stress, as opposed to healthy and functional perfectionism.

We will arrange this event again in autumn 2023 and all 2nd year EPS PhD candidates will receive an invitation in due time. If in the meantime you are looking for other opportunities to meet up with your fellow PhD candidates, please keep 1-2 May 2023 free in your calendar for the Get2Gether event organized by the EPS PhD council for all EPS PhD candidates.